Here is a list of hotlines where you can ask about Covid-19 in English or Chinese. We will also list the pages where each prefecture is posting.
Japan Visitor Hotline
Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
Phone Number | 050-3816-2787 |
From Overseas | +81-50-3816-2787 |
Service Hours | 24 hours a day, 365 days a year |
Languages | English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese |
Service Covered | Support & assistance when emergencies (accident, illness etc.) or natural disasters, general tourist information |
Click here for the chatbot.
AMDA Medical Information Center
They also provide interpretation support when you go to the doctor.
Phone Number 1 | 03-6233-9266 |
Service Hours | Monday – Friday / 10:00am – 5:00pm Weekends and holidays / 10:00am – 3:00pm |
Languages | Mon / English, Korean, Filipino Tue / English, Chinese, Thai Wed/ English, Spanish, Vietnamese* (2nd and 4th only) Thu / English and Chinese Fri / English and Portuguese Weekends and holidays / English |
Service Covered | 1.Telephone medical interpretation (other than COVID-19 is acceptable) 2.Multilingual consultation service for COVID-19 infections |
Phone Number 2 | 090-3359-8324 |
Service Hours | Monday – Friday / 10:00am – 5:00pm |
Languages | English, Chinese |
Find for medical institutions in Japan
No signs of Covid-19, but if you feel sick or injured and want to find a hospital. You can select a region in Japan, language, and medical sector to find one.
Languages | English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese |
Want to see information for each prefecture.
This is a list of the published pages for each prefecture. Check the information for your area.
青森 Aomori 岩手県 Iwate 宮城 Miyagi 秋田 Akita 山形 Yamagata 福島 Fukushima
茨城 Ibaraki 栃木 Tochigi 群馬 Gunma 埼玉 Saitama 千葉 Chiba
東京 Tokyo 神奈川 Kanagawa
新潟 Niigata 富山 Toyama 石川 Ishikawa 福井 Fukui 山梨 Yamanashi 長野 Nagano
岐阜 Gifu 静岡 Shizuoka 愛知 Aichi 三重 Mie
滋賀 Shiga 京都 Kyoto 大阪 Osaka 兵庫 Hyougo 奈良 Nara 和歌山 Wakayama
鳥取 Tottori 島根 Shimane 岡山 Okayama 広島 Hiroshima 山口 Yamaguchi
徳島 Tokushima 香川 Kagawa 愛媛 Ehime 高知 Kochi
福岡 Fukuoka 佐賀 Saga 長崎 Nagasaki 熊本 Kumamoto 大分 Oita
宮崎 Miyazaki 鹿児島 Kagoshima 沖縄 Okinawa
I hope that everyone in Japan can overcome Covid-19 with peace of mind.😌